Evolution Requires Reinvention

As individuals and as a company, we are facing profound changes in our society and the many challenges that stem from these changes.

In our desire to evolve, to build a promising future for all our employees, and to ensure the sustainability of our organization, we are relying on the key elements that have contributed to our success since 1994.

Here are some of the things that have nourished our company culture centred on our search for excellence and the enhancement of our human capital while showing due regard for cultural diversity:


Treat our clients, employees, suppliers, and partners as we would like to be treated ourselves


Value our employees and the meaning given to their work, trust them, and support them in their own development by offering them a stimulating and respectful environment


Be open to innovation and to constantly seek to improve our processes and products without losing sight of our values

We are convinced that these principles will help us to move forward and reinvent ourselves for the next 25 years.